Treatment of the Whole Body is Vital to True Healing!

Our Story

At Foundations Therapy LLC we believe that treatment of the body requires a deeper understanding of all the possible body connections necessary for healing. Our human bodies are knitted together so intricately that tissues communicate to keep us as healthy as possible, but injury or poor developmental communication damages many different levels of the body. Through trauma and injury our bodies become damaged leading to pain and dysfunction that many times can be life changing. This trauma can occur in utero, small traumas in our everyday lives, or traumatic events.

For instance, a simple ankle sprain damages not only the musculoskeletal system, but also creates damage to the primary reflexes of the foot that keep us upright and provide feeling and movement throughout the whole lower body and into the trunk; OR as a child that never crawled hands and knees a weakened visual system as well as reduced hip-pelvic mobility, this then can impact gross and fine motor skills as well as academic success in the classroom.

At Foundations Therapy, we are passionate about the health of the whole body and how we can assist a person to be at their best.

8:00 am-4:30 am M-F

By Appointment Only

106A West 24th St. North Newton KS 67114